
A clickable element that signifies that something will happen when it's interacted with.

Buttons are an incredibly frequently used UI component. Too often, people use a button where a link would be appropriate, and a link where a button would be appropriate. For this reason, it is prudent to provide the ability to render any button style as a button or a link.

Prop nameTypeDefaultDescription
classNamestringnullA custom className you would like to pass to the Component
handleClickfuncnullThe function to be called when the Button is clicked
hrefstringnullThe href for Button to point to. Renders an anchor tag
idstringnullThe HTML id for the button
isDisabledboolfalseWhether or not the Button is disabled
isOutlineboolfalseWhether or not the Button should be outlined
isRoundedboolfalseWhether or not to render a rounded button
sizeenum'md'The size of Button to render
typeenum'button'The HTML type attribute for the button
variantenum'primary'The color variant of the Button
childrenunionRequiredContent of the Button


A number of variants are provided for use. By default, a primary variant will be returned, unless another is specified.





Disabled buttons need to look different, too.
